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Ferry Farm Animal Clinic

Documents & Forms

The following forms may be downloaded and filled out prior to your visit. This will help expedite the check-in process and help us better care for your pet:

  • New Client Information Form:

  • Patient History Form:

  • Stool Sample Drop Off Form

  • Urine Sample Drop Off Form

  • Growth Removal Form

The following forms may be downloaded and viewed ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the forms and procedure, but they may need to be completed with or by our staff or signed in the presence of a staff member – please complete at the office:

  • Services, or Medical/Surgical Procedure Consent Form

  • Dental Services or Procedures Consent Form

  • Virginia Veterinary Disclosure Form

  • OFA Radiograph – Application for Hip/Elbow Dysplasia Database

  • PennHip Radiograph Evaluation Application*

* Please note that we need a copy of your dog’s registration (AKC or other registry) papers to get the information needed for the OFA and PennHip radiographs. It is also strongly encouraged to have permanent identification (microchip or tattoo) for these procedures as well. OFA will issue a different type of number for dogs that do not have permanent identification. If you wish, we can implant a microchip in your pet for an additional fee at the time these radiographs are done.